The City of Absurdity   Jocelyn Montgomery with David Lynch
Lux Vivens – The Music of Hildegard von Bingen


About the Project | Track Listing | Credits | Press release
And Still | Hildegard von Bingen | Further Information


  About the Project

David Lynch

"It's not dark. Dark could imply evil. It's low, number one. There are a lot of low things. But it's beautiful to me. It's a mood. It's a deep mood."

"I hear the word 'elements' and hear 'nature' and I hear 'animals' or 'birds' and Jocelyn's interpretation and it sort of flows together. Then I hear the word "12th century" and it conjures up certain things and then to feel the spiritual thing of it, that roars in and pretty soon you have a feeling coming through. And that's the thing we all tried to tune in to."

"In my mind it pretty much transcends religion."


Jocelyn Montgomery (formerly West)

"The experiences I've had singing Hildegard and performing it, is that it's always been a very natural and instinctive thing. I've always deeply identified with it. It's the most beautiful music I've ever come across ... ever sung."

"I think it would be silly not to share the music [of von Bingen] with as many people as I can. It's what I'm meant to do; it's what I know."

"To sing it, it's physically incredible because it's so free form," she says. "I do feel in awe of the work. I just don't know anything that compares to it."


Artist info | Jocelyn Montgomery's music picks

John Neff (Engineer)

"Working with David is a very unique experience. He has musical training. He used to play the trumpet for many years, and he can still read music. He has from all the years in film, and as a visual artist, he presents all the ideas, the suggestions for the sonic path, as visual or emotional imagery. The challenge was to come up with a way to make it sound that way. The only thing missing on the record is the movie. When you hear it, it's like you're looking at a great big movie screen. The only thing missing is the picture. Your mind has to fill that in."

more...Lynch, Montgomery, Neff, Seagraves (D.A.W. Engineer), Reshoeft (Co-producer)

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  Track Listing

01. Flame and Vision 1.53
02. Sapientie 3.10
03. O Tu Illustrata 8.23
04. Et Ideo 3.21
05. Viridissima 5.07
06. Battle and Aftermath 1.47
07. Gloria Patri 2.31
08. Lux Vivens 8.22
09. Deus Enim 2.50
10. Clarissima 7.21
11. Orzchis 2.43
12. Caritas 2.49
13. Kyrie 2.56
14. Hodie 2.56
15. Alleluia 3.51

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  Further Information

More about the Project
the makers talk about the project

Press release

Hildegard von Bingen:
   Life & WorksArtBooks

Abbess of the Abyss
interview/article by John Diliberto

CNN article

Pitt News Review

Jocelyn Montgomery's music picks

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