Renee comes out wearing a robe, which she sheds just before getting into bed.

Naked under the covers, she switches out her bedside lamp. The only light in the room comes from the outside, through the windows.

Fred moves closer to Renee, puts his lips to her cheek, a hand on her breast. She does not respond. Fred pulls Renee to him, and kisses her passionately.

Renee accedes to his demands, but does not participate willingly.

He makes love to her voraciously, but her lack of passion disturbs him.

Fred can't stop, however, and when he comes she acts consolingly, stroking him maternally while he calms down. He climbs off of her and retreats to his side of the bed.

Close up on Fred's eyes - which express his horror and humiliation.

They lie there in the dark silence for a while.
Fred turns back toward Renee in the darkness.