The City of Absurdity Lost Highway
a film by David Lynch
Story Board pg. 7

Two men in suits - the Detectives, ED and AL, are seated on the couch, watching the last part of the second videotape. The screen goes to snow and stays that way for several moments, until Fred shuts it off.

Al: Do you own a video camera?
Renee: No. Fred hates them.

Fred: I like to remember things my own way.
Al: What do you mean by that?
Fred: How I remember them. Not necessarily the way they happened.

Fred's watching Ed and Al with Renee who are outside the house, walking around the property, checking it out.

Al: We'll keep a watch on the house.
Ed: As best we can.

Al: If anything else happens, you'll call us.
Renee: We will.
Fred: Thanks, guys.
Ed: It's what we do.

Ed and Al get into the car and drive off. Renee and Fred look at each other, warily, then go back into the house. THE CAMERA SLOWLY PANS OVER THE FRONT OF THE HOUSE AS IN THE VIDEOTAPE.

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